What All Has the African-American and Fiction Author Marian L. Thomas Achieved

· marialthomas

"But secrets had a way of forcing you to stare in the eyes of reality."

- Marian L. Thomas


The African-American and Fiction author Marian L. Thomas has achieved much through her writing. Being an African-American and Fiction writer at the same time, Marian L. Thomas has been able to explore African-American issues of freedom, identity, and independence through the genre of Fiction. Fiction writing enables authors to make up stories that fit their feeling. So, the genre of Fiction has empowered Marian L. Thomas to create stories that suit her feelings. 

Fiction allows writers to reveal characters' inner lives, making readers reflect on their flaws and frailties. This is where all the magic of Fiction resides. Marian L. Thomas has acquired much by writing her novels in the fiction genre because she has raised severe African-American issues through Fiction. Her book Someone Like Me explores the theme of identity where Mýa Day questions herself whether someone can love her or not. The Caged Butterfly also explores the theme of identity. The author speaks of how people must embrace their true identity.  Being an African-American, the genre of Fiction has served the author Marian L. Thomas well, for she has been able to explore serious issues. 

The author Marian L. Thomas was born in Illinois.  Marian L. Thomas wouldn't say that her first career choice was writing novels, even though she served as the student paper's news editor and sports editor. Despite being proficient in writing, Marian L. Thomas did not see herself becoming a writer. Instead, she saw herself working as a journalist for a local newspaper. Little did Marian L. Thomas know that she would write masterpieces and end up winning awards for them. It was when she completed her first manuscript that her writing path digressed.  

Having penned six women's fiction novels, the author Marian L. Thomas cannot imagine not creating stories for women. This is what she has done in her entire writing career. Marian L. Thomas has crafted stories for women with real-life characters. The characters in her novels have crossed complex barriers to acquire love, have faced real difficulties in life, and have also discovered all the possibilities that life offers. By creating such characters, the author Marian L. Thomas has been able to live through the characters' lives. She has created real-life events and circumstances in her books that have helped her grow as an individual. 

The author Marian L. Thomas's latest book, The Caged Butterfly, has led her to achieve the USA Best Book Fiction Award for African-American Fiction. Marian L. Thomas's writing career has proved quite successful for her. As an author, Marian L. Thomas has achieved several awards, such as the Sankofa Literary Society Award. Her book "I Believe In Butterflies," the AALBC Bestseller Award, and the USA Best Book Finalist Award (twice). Not only this, but she has also ranked among the top 100 Most Popular Authors in Literary Fiction on Amazon. As can be seen, for Marian L. Thomas, the writing career has paved the way for her success.